National library club „Razum“, Montana

National library club „Razum“ was founded in 1883. During this period, the library club put the beginning the library, theater and music activities in Montana...

“Dragomir Asenov” Drama theatre, Montana

Montana Drama Theatre е was established in 1962. The first preserved data for performing of the theatric spectacles in...

Mihaylov house, Montana

Museum site Mihaylov house opened in 1955 as a house-museum “Hristo Mihaylov”, is one of the oldest preserved monuments in the architectural and building aspect on the territory of town of Montana...

Kaleto in Berkovitsa

Kaleto (the Fortress) in Berkovitsa is a monument of culture with historical importance. Archaeologists in Bulgaria began the excavation of this place in 1961...

Ethnographic museum, Berkovitsa

Ethnographic Museum in Berkovitsa has a rich exposure that meets the lifestyle and customs of the people of northwestern Bulgaria and is included in the hundred tourist sites...

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